LLC joins panel at PICPA Ethics & Leadership Summit

SGV Risk Management Leader and Professional Practice Director and PICPA Ethics Committee Chair Lucy L. Chan (LLC) was one of the panelists at the keynote session of the Ethics & Leadership Summit of the Metro Manila Region and the Eastern Metro Manila Chapter of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) held last 10-11 December. With the theme Traversing the New Landscape with Stronger Ethical and Leadership Foundation, the summit featured sessions on ethics and leadership in the accountancy profession in light of emerging developments.

Following the keynote presentation on Walk the Talk: Operationalizing the Ethical Requirements under the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants by incoming Deputy Chairman of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Caroline Lee, LLC discussed challenges faced by professional accountants due to the pandemic and other developments, namely, meeting targets during an economic downturn, adapting to remote work, keeping up with the pace of digitization, and creating new sustainable business models. She then discussed measures for addressing these issues and shared insights on how leaders can uphold a culture of integrity within their organizations in the current environment.

LLC’s and other panelists’ presentations were followed by an interactive session with the keynote speaker, the panelists, and other participants at the summit.

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